Resources added to web site

16 Jun 2015 | Announcements, Bariatric Surgery, Endoscopy, Fundoplication, Laparoscopy, Weight Loss

I have been busy updating the web site over the past couple of weeks, in particular adding many resources for patients and doctors.  In particular I have added a page about gallbladder surgery, and updated the previous links page, now called resources.  This page contains downloadable patient information resources about gastro-oesophageal reflux and weight loss surgery, as well as our new patient and GP information guidelines for follow-up after bariatric surgery.

The web site has also been updated to confirm our status as affiliated providers for gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, anti-reflux surgery, minor skin surgery, gastroscopy and colonoscopy with Southern Cross Health Society.

Southern Cross AP Horizontal Logo for Web

For more information on this or other services please contact us.


