Hello world!

18 Jul 2012 | Announcements, Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopy

Welcome to the web site for Aspiring Bariatrics Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Limited.  ABLE is the specialst surgical practice of Dr Mark Smith, catering to patients in Dunedin, Invercargill and the wider Otago/Southland region.  Dr Smith specialises in advanced laparoscopic surgery including bariatric (weight loss) surgery, fundoplication (anti-reflux) surgery, gallbaldder removal and hernia repair surgery.

Please review my web site where I will be providing comprehensive up-to-date information about my practice and the services I offer.  In this blog I will post the latest information available in the medical literature concerning the procedures we offer and personal thoughts and in-depth information on bariatric and advanced laparscopic surgery.  I will also post announcements such as dates of Dunedin clinics.  To subscribe to the RSS feed, please click on one of the links in the sidebar.

Ka kite ano,


